martes, 12 de junio de 2018


Simon Sinek, after analysing outstanding inspiring people and organizations, like Apple, Martin Luther King or the Wright brothers, developed THE GOLDEN CIRCLE. According to that, we can divide the world into 3 different parts:

  • It represents the action. Everyone knows what they do.
  • It is the way to achieve the goals, like a value proposition or a methodology.
  • It refers to the purpose, the cause, the belief. It relies on intrinsic motivation.

What is the usual way of thinking?
Most people and organization do not reflect on why they do things. They just do it.

Why leaders are inspiring?
Inspiring leaders and organizations are simply different than the rest. They think, act and communicate from the inside out: starting with WHY, following with HOW and ending with WHAT.
Resultado de imagen para the golden circle
In order to inspire, first of all we must start by our motivation, and then, and only then, think of what we want to do and how to do it. As Stephen Covey stated, it is essential to start with a goal in mind. In any project, personal or professional, no matter its entity, the first thing we should ask ourselves is why do I want to do it. Only if the answer is driven by internal reasons we can consider assuming it.
Only if you know why you do what you do something, you are able to convince people to buy you, to support you, to join you. When trying to inspire, the goal is not to convince people to follow you; the goal is to make them share your same ideas and values, with a common believing, and only then they will stand by you. 

“If you hire people just because they can do a job, they'll work for your money, but if they believe what you believe, they'll work for you with blood and sweat and tears”

Why is so important the "Why"?
Inspiring is not rational, but emotional. It is about feelings. And feelings and guts, as passion and self-confidence, drive behaviour and, at the end, action, which is what changes the world.

Success is thought to be a lineal function of money, connections (people) and context. But it is not. The real difference relies on the cause, the purpose, the belief. People and organizations that have changed the world actually wanted to change it.

It is important not to confuse the result with the purpose. Success is the result or consequence, never the purpose itself. Be driven by something deeper is necessary to leave a mark on the world.

Dreams are not easy to achieve. To be accomplished, they require a lot of effort, dedication, patience and motivation. And, above of all, to be shared. “People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. If you talk about what you believe, you will attract those who believe what you believe”.

Leading means inspiring. We follow leaders not because obligation, but freedom. People and organizations that start with "why" have the ability to inspire others.

How can we apply the Golden Circle to Entrepreneurship?
Going through entrepreneurship just looking for success is wrong. It is necessary to have an intrinsic motivation to overcome all challenges you will have to face, and share it.

People who believe what you believe will be more likely to take your cause and make it their own, and tell other people. Therefore, do not focus on telling your clients about the features of your products and services. Tell your clients about a story, your story, and the reason you are spending so much time on your project.

The key of being different does not rely on structure of resources. We often complain about not having enough money or hands to accomplish a project. Forget about it. The key to sell is to connect with your clients, their beliefs and their needs.   

And remember that it is not just about being different, but also communicating that you are different. In this information era, if you do not communicate, you do not exist.

  • People own their destiny. We all have the right and the duty to pursue our dreams and to be happy. Young people are often underserved, especially in need of resources and opportunities to find their way and succeed.

  • Building a global network of NGOs specialized in self-employment and entrepreneurship to maximize the impact of their activities, by means of sharing challenges, joining efforts and exchanging good practices.

  • Accompanying young entrepreneurs in their self-employment projects through a comprehensive service offer which includes training, access to finance and mentoring, supporting them to shape the world they are living in according to their hopes and values, creating sustainable business and employment and strengthening their communities.

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El emprendimiento y sus valores no sólo son abanderados y puestos en práctica por personas que constituyen un negocio, sino también por mu...